Saturday, October 16, 2010

Lillian and Vincent

We had some visitors this weekend! Danny and Melanie stopped by with their new son Vincent. He was born 4 days before Lillian and already outweighs her by at least 2 lbs! His head is also larger! It looks like she may be a little bit longer than he is but not by much. We hope our kids will be best friends! Even if we do live in different cities.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Her Own Bed

Lillian is currently sleeping in her own bed (crib) for the first time ever tonight. I have to admit to shedding a few emotional tears. I would take a picture of her because I have her swaddled up nice and tight however she somehow managed to get one leg out, but I know the flash would wake her. She cried for a good eight minutes and I didn't think I was going to make it but she stopped crying just as easily as she started (I checked to see if my monitor was broken). I perceived her cry tonight was one of anger at being abandoned. I felt like a horrible mother but I just keep telling myself she can't sleep with us forever. We will see how this first night goes.
She will be eight weeks old tomorrow so this is a sort of milestone. My goal is to get her (and the whole family) on a bedtime schedule at least. Bath, massage, new diaper, swaddle, nurse, then bed. I'll let you know how that works out. Pray that I have the strength to do what's best for my daughter even when it's hard for both of us.

2 Weddings and a Baby

This weekend we went to 2 weddings! One on Saturday and one on Sunday.
Our friend Stephen Prince married Jessica Rose Saturday night and the wedding was beautiful! It was held at Tyler Street and the reception was at Maggiano's.
Sunday Stephanie Jones married Michael Wise... both Stephen and Stephanie have been friends with Phil since childhood. We had a wonderful time and Lillian behaved herself quite nicely. It helps to have a lot of people around who love holding babies!Stephanie Jones

Jordan Bogart's dad... he looks like Santa!!
Karen Bennett holding Lillian

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lillian at Home Part 1

A look at a typical morning in the Lee home... Sometimes we sit around and "talk" to each other. This is when we get to see her vast facial expressions. Sometimes she'll just sit there daydreaming while other times she likes to interact with us by smiling and moving her hands and feet a lot. Of course, we are powerless against her charms...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

More Smiles!


She's smiling!!! Phillip and I could watch her all day. It's so fun to sit and talk to her and see what she "says". Sometimes she'll coo and make bubbles and sometimes she'll just smile and smile like she thinks we're the two funniest people in the world. What a fun milestone!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Christmas in October

I know today is only October 1st but I couldn't help myself. Today I found Lillian's first ornament. Phillip and I both have matching Precious Moments Ornaments from our first Christmas' (his is blue and mine is pink) so I thought it was only appropriate that Lillian's first ornament be Precious Moments as well.