Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Family Ties

Mama Sue's response to Lillian being a morning person was so enlightening I had to share. Family traits are not just eye color, height and skin tone... they run deeper than that. I can't wait to see all the ways she takes after her family members. Looks like she's already got a big piece of Pahpah's personality already!

"I just finished reading about our Lillian's preference for the early mornings. It may be in her genes.

The biggest shock of my life was awakening about 6 am to my new husband singing in the shower!!!! I had always been a late sleeper and I did not feel that anyone should be that happy that early in the morning. It continued throughout our marriage and when I complained, he always said it was because he had to get up early to milk when he was young. I thought that 40 years after that fact he could have surely adjusted. What is funny now is that I find myself waking up early. Our mornings are the best time for me. I have a good group that I eat breakfast with and they serve us a wonderful breakfast so it is my favorite time of the day. You could always bring her down here and let her stay a few days. I am sure she would really enjoy the amount of attention she would draw. "

-Sue Hulsey (Mama Sue) aka future GREAT-Grandmother to our little girl

Monday, May 24, 2010

Love the Belly

I'm thankful every day for my growing belly... it means my little girl is alive and well...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lilly Lee is Officially a Morning Person

She gets it from her dad...

I get up several times during the night to go to the bathroom but she doesn't start moving until she feels/hears dad get up... at 5:00 AM! As soon as he's awake she starts stretching, kicking and rolling... I'm thankful she doesn't start this until after I've had at least a few hours of sleep though.

94 days to go and I can't wait to meet her! She has such personality already.